How to Control your Wandering Mind

How do you feel when you can’t pay attention to a pressing task because your mind is wandering somewhere else? How do you keep at bay those repetitive, circular and mostly negative thoughts that often cloud your mind? To master how to FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION, let’s begin understanding the Default Mode Network! What is the […]

Music is the Rhythm of our Life

In the rhythm of our daily lives, music plays a central role, threading its tunes into the very fabric of our life. It’s more than a background tune in a store or elevator; it’s a language that transcends all borders and cultures and speaks to our core. But how often do we stop to think […]

How to Identify and Overcome Social Anxiety

If you feel butterflies in your stomach when meeting new people or just shopping in a busy store… try to focus on the ‘future moment’ and leave behind the anxiety of the ‘present moment.’ Everyone is confronted with situations outside their comfort zone. If feeling nervous and anxious happens in everyday run-off-the-mill situations, that may […]

The Meaning of Life: Happiness, Success, Compassion?

Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the meaning of life?” It’s not just philosophers, it’s everyone who should wonder about the purpose of life. Let’s stop for a moment and reflect about what makes us “unique”, instead of just living a “normal” life. Those who follow their own life’s principles report a greater sense […]

Teaching Your Kids How to Practice Self-Care

By Sophia Letts Stress is something commonly associated with adults, but kids experience stress too. You can help your children manage stress by teaching them self-care. The benefits are enormous: self-care helps children deal with stress in a healthy way, teaches kids to put their mental and physical health first, and can reduce the […]