By Jennifer Scott For some people, anxiety is something you have to manage on a daily basis. For others, anxiety pops up out of nowhere, especially around stressful times like the holidays, weekends and vacations. Personally, I fall somewhere in between these two. Dealing with chronic anxiety means I have to stay committed to healthy […]
4 Natural Ways to Control Adrenaline, your Energy Booster
Did you know that adrenaline, an essential booster of mental and body energy, can also trigger the ‘fight and flight’ response, causing stress and potentially getting you in trouble? When you’re about to give a presentation, your throat is suddenly parched, and your heart begins to pound … that’s adrenaline kicking in. When you have […]
4 Natural Boosters of Serotonin, our Emotional Fluid
Can you imagine your life without emotional peaks and valleys? Sounds impossible, right? What’s possible is to increase your emotional control through enduring changes in lifestyle. When you wake up relaxed and energized from a good night’s sleep, ready to take on the day – that’s serotonin kicking in. When you feel depressed, overwhelmed […]
4 Natural Boosters of Oxytocin, our Emotional Glue
Can you imagine a workplace full of intelligent machines and robots but no warmth, no emotional bonding? This environment can be very productive but psychologically devastating. We are human beings, not human doings. We need to be emotionally connected with family, friends, coworkers, even with pets, to achieve mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. When we […]