Embracing Life’s Trials: The Gateway to Personal Growth

By Amber Speck www.writeaboutrecovery.com   Challenges and adversity are an inevitable part of life. Instead of viewing them as obstacles, though, why not see them as opportunities for personal growth? Today, The Neo Chi Institute will explore how navigating challenges and adversity can be a catalyst for personal development, with a focus on several key […]

Discover Interoception, your Powerful Sixth Sense

When asked “How many senses do you have?,” you’d probably answer: smell, taste, sight, touch, and sound. And you would be right… to sense our external environment. But, we also have interoception to sense internal phenomena like experiencing hunger, pain, fever, heart palpitations, stomach butterflies,… What is interoception? Interoception is the process by which the […]

Incorporating Mindfulness into Daily Routines to Modulate Stress

By Amber Speck www.writeaboutrecovery.com In today’s fast-paced world, mindfulness is essential for mental and emotional well-being. Being fully present and engaged in each moment helps reduce stress and enhance overall happiness. Integrating mindfulness into your daily routines can positively transform your approach to life’s challenges and joys. In this article, endorsed by the Neo Chi […]

Music is the Rhythm of our Life

In the rhythm of our daily lives, music plays a central role, threading its tunes into the very fabric of our life. It’s more than a background tune in a store or elevator; it’s a language that transcends all borders and cultures and speaks to our core. But how often do we stop to think […]

How to Identify and Overcome Social Anxiety

If you feel butterflies in your stomach when meeting new people or just shopping in a busy store… try to focus on the ‘future moment’ and leave behind the anxiety of the ‘present moment.’ Everyone is confronted with situations outside their comfort zone. If feeling nervous and anxious happens in everyday run-off-the-mill situations, that may […]