By Amber Speck Challenges and adversity are an inevitable part of life. Instead of viewing them as obstacles, though, why not see them as opportunities for personal growth? Today, The Neo Chi Institute will explore how navigating challenges and adversity can be a catalyst for personal development, with a focus on several key […]
Discover Interoception, your Powerful Sixth Sense
When asked “How many senses do you have?,” you’d probably answer: smell, taste, sight, touch, and sound. And you would be right… to sense our external environment. But, we also have interoception to sense internal phenomena like experiencing hunger, pain, fever, heart palpitations, stomach butterflies,… What is interoception? Interoception is the process by which the […]
Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global interview with Oscar Segurado
How to Achieve Maximum Flow with Mindful Framing
Mindful Framing is a mindfulness practice to support your daily life, providing a mental framework for your continuous stream of experiences and thoughts. To realize all the benefits of mindful framing you require focus and regularity. There is another element to supercharge mindful framing: Maximum Flow. What is Maximum Flow? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi described flow in […]