Discover Interoception, your Powerful Sixth Sense

When asked “How many senses do you have?,” you’d probably answer: smell, taste, sight, touch, and sound. And you would be right… to sense our external environment. But, we also have interoception to sense internal phenomena like experiencing hunger, pain, fever, heart palpitations, stomach butterflies,… What is interoception? Interoception is the process by which the […]

Music is the Rhythm of our Life

In the rhythm of our daily lives, music plays a central role, threading its tunes into the very fabric of our life. It’s more than a background tune in a store or elevator; it’s a language that transcends all borders and cultures and speaks to our core. But how often do we stop to think […]

Wellbeing: The Real Key to Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is part of the human condition. We’re constantly buying things in the hopes that they will make us happy. Or we’re pursuing new experiences in the hope that they will make us happy. But the joy we get from them is often short-lived. To understand why happiness seems so elusive, it’s […]

Diving into the Present Moment with our Six Senses

Mindfulness is equivalent to framing our full attention to the present moment. This means focusing our attention exclusively on the input from all our senses. Learning the neurobiology and characteristics of our six senses is essential to master the practice of mindful framing. Do we Have Six Senses? Yes. We do have six senses and […]

Top 5 Wishlist Ideas to Improve Your Life

By Brittany Fisher When it comes to wishlists, it’s tempting to let your imagination run wild and include extravagant items like brand new cars, the trip of a lifetime, or fine jewelry and expensive electronics. There’s nothing wrong with wishing for these things; it’s a wishlist, after all. But, you may be better off wishing […]