By Jennifer Scott Psychological recovery requires a lengthy, difficult process that most of us have go through at some point in our lives. The same can be said for getting in shape — it takes work and nothing happens overnight. Perhaps it’s the commitment, challenge, and discipline needed to do both things that make fitness […]
Addressing the Key Sources of Anxiety in the ‘Golden Years’
By Kent Elliot Aging comes with many difficulties, and even the healthiest among us wind up losing some spryness as we get older. For many, this change can be a dramatic one. Seniors often experience anxiety about how they will navigate their golden years. Here’s a look at a few of the things that seniors […]
Prioritize Mental Health to Boost Your Mood, Alleviate Financial Anxiety, and More
By Brad Krause According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health concerns — such as depression and anxiety — can lead to premature death, with some people dying as much as two decades younger as a result. While the right combination of medication and psychotherapy can often help to treat or relieve symptoms of […]
3 Strategies to Keep Anxiety Away during your Free Time
By Jennifer Scott For some people, anxiety is something you have to manage on a daily basis. For others, anxiety pops up out of nowhere, especially around stressful times like the holidays, weekends and vacations. Personally, I fall somewhere in between these two. Dealing with chronic anxiety means I have to stay committed to healthy […]