A presentation at the Science and Nonduality Conference 2018, along keynote speakers Daniel Siegel MD, Deepak Chopra MD, Fritjof Capra PhD, Peter Levine PhD and Sir Roger Penrose. Mindful Framing is presented as an innovative ‘Third Culture’ approach integrating medical science with holistic medicine to ease anxiety and enjoy vital energy through mindfulness and wellness. […]
Science and NonDuality Conference – October 28, 2018
A presentation at the Science and Nonduality Conference 2018, along keynote speakers Daniel Siegel MD, Deepak Chopra MD, Fritjof Capra PhD, Peter Levine PhD and Sir Roger Penrose. Mindful Framing is presented as an innovative ‘Third Culture’ approach integrating medical science with holistic medicine to ease anxiety and enjoy vital energy through mindfulness and wellness. […]