How to Achieve Maximum Flow with Mindful Framing

Mindful Framing is a mindfulness practice to support your daily life, providing a mental framework for your continuous stream of experiences and thoughts. To realize all the benefits of mindful framing you require focus and regularity. There is another element to supercharge mindful framing: Maximum Flow. What is Maximum Flow? Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi described flow in […]

The Anxiety Bus: Transform Your Situational Anxiety into Vital Energy

Everyone experiences anxiety; it’s part of the human condition, let’s embrace it! When we experience anxiety we also feel it by irritability, sweating, inability to sleep… It’s no wonder we want to get rid of it, but should we? What if we could transform some types of anxiety into a “superpower?” Let’s start understanding the different […]

Wellbeing: The Real Key to Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is part of the human condition. We’re constantly buying things in the hopes that they will make us happy. Or we’re pursuing new experiences in the hope that they will make us happy. But the joy we get from them is often short-lived. To understand why happiness seems so elusive, it’s […]

How to Identify and Heal Traumatic Experiences

We hope life can be an idyllic bed of roses but reality is that a traumatic experience can happen to anyone at any time and shake our most basic sense of security. Indeed, as many as 75% of us will experience a traumatic experience at some point in our lives. When this happens, we can […]

The Parasympathetic Nervous System: Your Stairway to Heaven

Our nervous system is overwhelmed by experiences and thoughts from an increasingly hectic environment. At work, we’re expected to do more with less resources – and often less pay. At home, we don’t get any reprieve, modern technology has invaded our sanctuaries with smart devices everywhere. It’s no wonder that we feel under constant stress, […]