How to Identify and Heal Traumatic Experiences

We hope life can be an idyllic bed of roses but reality is that a traumatic experience can happen to anyone at any time and shake our most basic sense of security. Indeed, as many as 75% of us will experience a traumatic experience at some point in our lives. When this happens, we can […]

The Parasympathetic Nervous System: Your Stairway to Heaven

Our nervous system is overwhelmed by experiences and thoughts from an increasingly hectic environment. At work, we’re expected to do more with less resources – and often less pay. At home, we don’t get any reprieve, modern technology has invaded our sanctuaries with smart devices everywhere. It’s no wonder that we feel under constant stress, […]

Top 5 Wishlist Ideas to Improve Your Life

By Brittany Fisher When it comes to wishlists, it’s tempting to let your imagination run wild and include extravagant items like brand new cars, the trip of a lifetime, or fine jewelry and expensive electronics. There’s nothing wrong with wishing for these things; it’s a wishlist, after all. But, you may be better off wishing […]