Teaching Your Kids How to Practice Self-Care

By Sophia Letts Meditationhelp.net Stress is something commonly associated with adults, but kids experience stress too. You can help your children manage stress by teaching them self-care. The benefits are enormous: self-care helps children deal with stress in a healthy way, teaches kids to put their mental and physical health first, and can reduce the […]

The Anxiety Bus: Transform Your Situational Anxiety into Vital Energy

Everyone experiences anxiety; it’s part of the human condition, let’s embrace it! When we experience anxiety we also feel it by irritability, sweating, inability to sleep… It’s no wonder we want to get rid of it, but should we? What if we could transform some types of anxiety into a “superpower?” Let’s start understanding the different […]

Wellbeing: The Real Key to Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is part of the human condition. We’re constantly buying things in the hopes that they will make us happy. Or we’re pursuing new experiences in the hope that they will make us happy. But the joy we get from them is often short-lived. To understand why happiness seems so elusive, it’s […]

Music and Dance: When in doubt, shake it out!

Don’t hang up the dancing shoes and turn off the music just because you don’t feel young enough. Getting into the grove and letting the rhythm shake your body are invaluable therapeutic modalities at any age. Music and dance have been used for healing throughout the ages. Today we know much more about how and […]